Mobile On Road

Component failure from improper greasing is a major cause of equipment downtime and maintenance costs in today’s competitive environment.  An Automatic Lubrication System will put the right lubricant in the right amount at the right time to the right pin and bushing of your truck.  On a typical Twinsteer Dump Truck there are approximately 55 grease points, is your equipment being looked after correctly?

This category of equipment will typically have a LINCOLN Quicklub progressive system.  Lubricant can be supplied either manually with a grease gun or through a fully automated system using a 12V electric pump (1L, 2L, 4L, 8L reservoir) and progressive metering valves.  More than a drilled manifold the SSV metering valve incorporates a series of metering pistons which accurately dispense lubricant from each outlet.  Visual monitoring is provided with an indicator pin which confirms a valve has completed a full cycle.